

The Holding Company / Patriot House - Bar Rescue Update - Open or Closed?

The Holding Company Bar Rescue

In this Bar Rescue episode, Jon Taffer visits The Holding Company in San Francisco, California.

The Holding Company is owned by the Browne sisters.

They came together and bought the bar in April 2014.

The Browne sisters moved to America from Dublin in Ireland.

The old owner wasn’t making any money and wanted to sell the bar.

Danielle said they all have different strengths.

She thought it would work well together in the bar.

However, they soon realized that they all had different visions for fixing the business.

The sisters have different themes they want the bar to be including an Irish bar, a saloon, etc.

The bar is losing $6,000 a month and they are $600,000 in debt.

This bar has caused the sisters to be constantly fighting with each other.

They all look to Marissa for guidance, however this always ends in arguments.

Marissa says that none of them have the confidence to say this is the right way to do things.

The Browne sisters all have their family and life on the line when it comes to this bar.

In hopes of bringing the bar back to being successful, the sisters make a call to Bar Rescue.

Jon brings in his experts, expert chef Tiffany Derry and expert mixologist Mia Mastroianni.

Marissa has owned another bar successfully for 11 years.

The other sisters, Danielle, Leona and Natalie have no industry experience.

Jon brings in Jocelyn and Jeff for the recon tonight.

Mia and Tiffany go into the Holding Company for the recon tonight.

Jeff says this bar is mediocre and mediocre does not work in San Francisco.

Jon points out how the sign outside says it’s an American saloon.

However, the light in the window is an Irish clover.

Tiffany and Mia order a cobb salad and mac and cheese.

The drink Mia ordered was very acidic and the mac and cheese is very runny.

Mia and Tiffany tell Marissa that they are here with Jon Taffer.

Marissa asks Mia what she thought of the drinks.

Mia says that she would expect the drinks to taste better.

They explain how for the recipes there are only ingredients, not the quantities needed.

Tiffany says that there is no consistency with the drinks and between the bartenders.

All of the sisters are arguing about how the food and drinks are bad.

Tiffany explains how the food was bad and there was bad lettuce in her salad.

She also says that she wouldn’t serve it to anyone and that they need some help.

She says right now she doesn’t understand why the Embarcadero clientele would want to come here.

One of the sisters believes that the issue isn’t the low quality food and drinks.

She says that the bar isn’t falling apart because of the food and drinks.

Jon says that he has four sisters at the bar who are full of excuses.

Jon says they have to get their attitude in check before he can help them.

Tiffany says that she is ready to get her check and that she is done.

Jon says that he won’t accomplish anything going in there tonight.

Mia says that this is a great location but a terrible business.

Jon thinks that if he doesn’t go in there then the sisters will panic and pull themselves together.

He’s going to wait until morning to go see the sisters.

The next morning, Jon goes to the bar in hopes of getting an actual conversation out of them.

Jon says he here with his A-team but he doesn’t thing that this is an A-bar.

Jon says he’s not sure if the sisters can run this right.

He also says they’re hard working but are not working with each other.

The sisters admit that they don’t have any strategy.

Jon is opening the bar for lunch.

This will all happen in 30 minutes time.

Jon asks the customers to tell him how long it takes for them to get their food.

Tiffany asks Danielle how long she wants to take for ticket times and she says 15 to 20 minutes.

Jon says they need to have it at most 15 minutes.

The quality of food is going down and it is clear that there is no real system in this bar.

Jon says the sisters don’t have the experience to successfully perform a lunch rush.

Jon says they need one manager in the front and one in the back.

Jon confronts Danielle about how it took customers 26 minutes to receive their food.

Jon wants to sit down with the sisters to discuss what just happened.

Nobody has been assigned manager responsibilities.

The original staff says that the sisters don’t have systems like how the old owners have.

The sisters start arguing and Jon tells them to shut up and listen.

The Happy Hour stress test is in an hour.

Tickets are going through but drinks are struggling to be made.

The girls seem to struggle with stressful situations.

The bar is huge but it’s packed and they are 24 drinks behind.

The customers say that they would not come back to the bar to wait this long for a drink again.

Jon says Marissa is showing no leadership as an owner.

Jon says he is going to leave if Marissa doesn’t leave the bar.

Danielle is standing up and acting like a manager.

Jon says it’s Marissa’s fault that the bar is the way that it is because she is the one with experience.

Jon tells them to shut the bar down.

The next morning, Jon meets with the staff to discuss the stress test.

Jon sets up management structure and wants to start cross-training them in everything.

Mia shows them some cocktails including the Madison Squeeze and Taft’s Crowd Pleaser.

Tiffany shows them recipes they will be adding to the new menu.

Jon says this is one of the most beautiful bars he has ever seen.

Jon meets with the staff to show them their newly renovated bar.

The bar has been renamed and is now called the Patriot House.

The sisters are amazed by their new bar and head inside to see all of the changes.

The sisters all give Jon a huge hug and Jon says this bar had great bones.

The Patriot House opens up for the first time since remodel.

On relaunch, ticket times are much better and the sisters are working well together.

Customers like the vibe of the bar as well as the food and drinks.

They made $2,300 within the first hour of the new bar being open.

Jon says his work here is done.

What Happened Next at The Holding Company / Patriot House?

Six weeks later, food and beverage sales have risen 24%.

They have grossed over $210,000 of sales.

Danielle is successful as general manager and the sisters are still working well together.

The Holding Company / Patriot House is open.

Reviews are positive but many patrons have mentioned in reviews that the bar is quiet.

Click for more Bar Rescues

Previous episode - The Los Angeles Brewing Company

Next episode - Mandala Lounge / 38th Floor Bar

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