In this Restaurant Impossible episode, Robert Irvine visits Millonzi’s in Fairplay, Colorado.
Millonzi’s Restaurant is owned by Tim and Jennifer.
They have owned the restaurant for 14 years.
Millonzi’s is an Italian restaurant that specializes in in pasta and pizza.
The scenery around the restaurant is beautiful.
Jennifer says that there is a lot to running a restaurant.
Jennifer deals with the entire financial side of the restaurant and Tim cooks.
The rest of the staff does the remaining work.
Tim has always had an interest in cooking.
Jennifer met Tim at a Mexican restaurant.
They got married in 2005 and always wanted to run their own restaurant.
Jennifer says that they borrowed money from everyone in the world.
It cost them $70,000 to open the restaurant.
Business was great for the first two years until the recession in 2008.
Tim and Jennifer’s house went into foreclosure.
Jennifer says that sometimes Tim is silent but other times he throws things.
Jennifer says that around four years ago, Tim stopped being her partner.
Jennifer had to figure some things out and opened up another restaurant.
Tim says that Jennifer barely comes there and it’s been rough on the relationship.
Tim is still in love with Jennifer.
Tim says that Jennifer doesn’t believe him.
Jennifer admits that she has a drinking problem.
Jennifer says she’s not convinced that Robert can save them.
Robert arrives at the restaurant.
They have a QR code menu, which Robert likes.
Robert isn’t sure why there is a huge wall separating the restaurant from the bar.
Robert calls Tim and Jennifer to the front of the house.
Tim says they own the building.
Tim and Jennifer bought the restaurant for $212,000 and they owe around $65,000 on the purchase.
They are in around $270,000 debt in total.
Tim admits that Jennifer is the money person.
Jennifer says that Tim isn’t interested in learning the books.
In 2019, their net profit was $40,000.
Jennifer says that she knew it was possible to create a restaurant that isn’t full of drama when she opened Soup Pot.
Jennifer says that Tim is cause of the drama.
Jennifer tells Robert she wasn’t allowed to be in the restaurant one summer because Tim had thrown her out.
Robert tells Tim that he had no right to do this.
Jennifer says she isn’t happy with the marriage.
Tim admits that he has tried a counselor but it wasn’t a good one so he gave up on it.
Robert tells Tim that it sounds like he is verbally abusive to Jennifer.
Robert asks what is keeping them together.
Jennifer admits that she hates Tim.
They’ve been together for 25 years and she doesn’t want to let go of that.
She also says that she doesn’t want to split but she thinks they may have to.
Robert tells them he will bring people in for the service.
Robert doesn’t want Jennifer there during the service since she isn’t usually there.
Tim admits that he is a bully and he is abusive.
Jennifer says she has a lot to think about.
The restaurant is only allowed to be seated at 50% capacity.
Robert says that the restaurant has a lot of potential.
The customers know that Tim is not the nicest person.
There aren’t any procedures in place when customers arrive.
Tim’s entire staff is unorganized.
There is salmonella in the ice machine.
Robert can see that Tim has a passion for cooking, but the kitchen is a mess.
Robert says he has seen enough.
The service was a disaster.
Robert hopes Tim’s cooking is better.
The pasta has no flavor and the meatballs need a little more salt.
There is raw dough in the pizza.
Robert spits out the chicken parmesan.
Robert tells Tim that he can’t cook.
He thinks that the restaurant has nothing going for it.
Tim says he feels defeated after Roberts comments about the restaurant.
Robert meets with his design team of Taniya and Lynn.
The staff begins taking everything out of the restaurant.
Taniya says that the dining room feels dark and heavy.
Jennifer says that it feels like the empty space is like a cleanse for her.
Tim says there are lots of bad memories in the restaurant.
Robert meets with Amy and Dakota.
Amy mentions how Tim will shut the restaurant down mid shift.
Tim wrote back to bad reviews.
Robert is going to talk to Tim right now about this.
Robert tells Tim he wants him to write an apology letter to Jennifer.
Robert thinks that one of them will have to leave the restaurant if they can’t learn to work together.
Robert tells Tim and Jennifer that he wants them to start being honest with each other.
Robert says this won’t work with the way they do things now.
Robert says that he isn’t very optimistic about saving Tim and Jennifer’s relationship.
Jennifer isn’t sure if she will be able to let this go.
She also says that she doesn’t know what to do.
The next day, Robert sits with Jennifer and Tim to discuss what they are going to do.
Jennifer and Tim will continue as business partners but will be ending their marriage,
Tim reads his letter to Jennifer and thinks that this is going to change everything.
Jennifer feels as if a huge weight has been lifted.
Lynn tells Robert that they are about six hours behind on the redesign.
Robert shows Tim some tips that he thinks will help him.
He asks Tim show him his way of doing the dishes and then shows him an easier way.
Robert says this is the first time he is seeing emotion in Tim.
Tim is excited about the future of the restaurant.
Robert shows Tim and Jennifer a few dishes he believes would sell well with the new menu.
Robert tells them to get the staff together so they can open.
They begin making finishing touches on the restaurant.
It’s time to show Tim and Jennifer their new restaurant.
Jennifer is excited about her new relationship with Tim as a business partner and a friend.
They are starting a new chapter on a good foundation.
Robert shows Jennifer and Tim their restaurant.
Tim says that the restaurant is beautiful.
They invite customers into their new restaurant.
On relaunch, the customers love how welcoming and open the restaurant is.
They also love the food as it is coming out great.
The customers promise to return to the much improved restaurant.
Tim can’t wait for the customers to come back.
Jennifer says there is a bright future for Tim and the restaurant.
What Happened Next at Millonzi's?
A few months later, Millonzi’s is now financially independent.
The Soup Pot is no longer funding the restaurant.
Tim is controlling his anger and food is coming out fast and delicious.
Jennifer and Tim are working happily together in their new relationship as business partners.
They have found a whole new respect for one another.
Millonzis is open.
Reviews after the episode are positive with praise for both the food, cosy atmosphere and friendly service.
Millonzi's was Restaurant Impossible season 18 episode 7 and aired on 15th April 2021.
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