In this Restaurant Impossible episode, Robert Irvine visits Park Vue Soul Food Bar and Restaurant in Buffalo, New York.
Park Vue Soul Food Bar and Restaurant is owned by Harrita West and Schenita Williams.
The restaurant is a soul food restaurant and their specialties are ribs and mac and cheese.
The area is a large residential area with many local churches.
Harrita West is co-owner and cook and her mom Schenita is also an owner.
Neither of them have prior restaurant experience.
The pair are figuring it out as they go.
Schenita has been living locally for 24 years so the area means a lot to her.
She also says that there are a lot of generational issues there, especially with addictions.
Some of the locals have never been out to dinner.
Schenita has worked as a teacher and Harrita feeds the elderly.
Schenita is a pillar in their community as she is always looking out for others.
The original plan was that Harrita was going to do everything.
She soon realized that she could not do it all so she called her mother to help.
They have spent around $100,000 on the restaurant.
Harrita owes her parents around $65,000.
The money that Schenita gave to her daughter was supposed to be for her retirement.
They are three to four months behind on paying all their bills including the mortgage and water and light bills.
Schenita says she can’t do this anymore.
If nothing changes, they will close their doors in six months.
Robert arrives and had to basically kick the door in to get inside the restaurant.
There are banquet tables and chairs and bad paneling on the walls.
There are both wooden and carpet floors.
Robert says it looks like a banquet hall that someone put together in their house.
Robert calls Harrita and Schenita to the front of the house.
They both tell Robert they don’t have experience and how much debt they are in.
The restaurant is only open Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
In their first year of business they made a loss.
In 2018, they broke even and the next year they made a loss.
They haven’t made any money since they opened and they don’t get paid.
Harrita says they are volunteering but are having fun.
Schenita says she is tired of doing the work and not getting paid.
Robert says he wants to see a service.
They are only seating up to 50% capacity due to state restrictions.
Robert says he isn’t sure if anyone will be served.
Harrita and Schenita are bickering.
The level of disorganization is staggering.
Harrita and Schenita are only just beginning to prep the ingredients for their dishes.
There is no way the customers are getting their meals anytime soon.
The customers aren’t happy with their food when they eventually receive it.
Food is being served out of pizza boxes because they don’t have a dishwasher.
People are waiting more than 30 minutes for their food.
The restaurant is hopeless and Robert says it’s time to stop the service.
Robert wants to try the food.
The chicken with collard greens tastes old and is over seasoned.
The mac and cheese has no taste and the ribs are too tough.
The fish is good but is too soggy.
On a scale of 1 to 10, Robert gives them a one for the food.
Robert doesn’t know if it’s a good thing that they are both in the kitchen together.
Robert meets with his design team of Lynn and Tom to discuss the design concept.
The staff begins taking everything out of the restaurant.
Schenita feels happy and sad at the same time.
Robert shows Harrita and Schenita the proper way to run the kitchen.
They go back to Harrita’s house to go over the finances.
He shows her how to properly keep track of the finances.
He stresses the importance of upselling.
Harrita realizes that these are things she should’ve been doing before.
She thinks she should be held accountable for them not being done.
Robert tells them they should be adding a lunch menu.
He wants them to find someone to help them prep for services.
Harrita says that the worst part about today was the feedback.
She also says that the best part of today was the way Robert built them back up from that.
The next day, Robert trains the new prep chef in their makeshift kitchen.
Robert meets with Schenita to discuss how she is going to be the face of the restaurant.
Robert shows Harrita how buying in can be more expensive than making it from scratch.
The more you start to prepare your own food, the more money you can make.
Robert shows them recipes he believes should be added to the menu.
Robert tells them he wants them to work on their relationship.
Harrita says she can’t wait to open up the restaurant.
Schenita says she is going to be the best host there is.
They begin making the finishing touches and setting tables.
Harrita says her mother is her go-to person, but she has to grow up now.
She wants to her mother to be able to retire.
Schenita says her daughter is ready to take more responsibility in the restaurant.
Robert shows Harrita and Schenita their new restaurant.
Today, they put the soul back in the restaurant.
Schenita says the restaurant is breathtaking.
Schenita and Harrita invite the customers into the restaurant.
On relaunch, the customers love the food.
The kitchen is running smoothly.
The ticket time is four minutes.
The kitchen now has the proper equipment.
What Happened Next at Park Vue Soul Food Bar and Restaurant?
Shortly after Robert’s visit, New York shut down indoor dining temporarily.
They switched to take out and increased their sales.
Harrita is shining in the kitchen and preparing to be able to reopen by hiring more employees.
Park Vue Soul Food Bar and Restaurant is open.
Reviews are very mixed, whilst most agree the food is great there are negative comments on wait times and customer service when they are busy.
Park Vue Soul Food Bar and Restaurant was Restaurant Impossible season 18 episode 9 and aired on 29th April 2021.
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