

Crown Candy Kitchen - Restaurant Recovery Update - Open or Closed?

Restaurant Recovery Crown Candy Kitchen

In this Restaurant Recovery episode, Todd Graves visits Crown Candy Kitchen in St Louis, Missouri.

Crown Candy Kitchen is owned by Sherri and Andy Karandzieff.

They have been serving up sweet treats and great food for travelers and locals alike since 1913.

The pandemic has decimated the restaurant.

The couple are the third generation owners of the restaurant.

They have watched the lines that normally stretch down the block grow smaller and smaller each day.

Losing the restaurant would be like losing a piece of American history.

Todd is here to help Sherri and Andy keep the restaurant open for generations to come.

People come from all over the country to visit the place.

They are known for their milkshakes, big bacon sandwich, ice cream and their chocolates.

Andy’s grandfather Harry started Crown Candy Kitchen in 1913.

He ran it all the way up until probably around 1951.

Andy’s father George took the business over from his father.

George ran the business until 1991.

Andy bought the business from his parents.

He and Sherri are the heart and soul of the restaurant right now.

They started the year off pretty good but then they were shut down for five weeks.

Since they reopened, they don’t have lines like they used to have.

Their takings are 79 percent down from last year.

They never want to think about closing the doors to the restaurant.

Andy says that just the thought of having to shut their doors is hard.

He doesn’t know how he could ever tell the staff and community that they were to close.

Andy doesn’t know how they can figure this out right now because he doesn’t know how long they will be in this mess.

This restaurant survived the Spanish Flu pandemic.

Todd has been excited to see the restaurant.

Walking into Crown Candy Kitchen was like stepping back in time for Todd.

Todd tries some of the delicious food that they serve.

They tell him that their sales went down 79%.

They have guidelines and restrictions on them that have been set by the local government.

They feel like they must make sure that their team is safe.

Sherri says that they have sacrificed paychecks so that their staff will get a paycheck.

Todd has a lot of respect for Sherri and Andy.

They understand that it’s not just about the 22 members of staff but also about their families.

Andy says that Crown Candy is pretty much his whole life.

Todd wants to find a way to give them more seats.

Their kitchen equipment isn’t working like it used to.

They can’t afford to keep repairing the equipment.

Sherri says that during their peak candy season, the office is used as a shipping room.

They have a website to sell their candy online.

Nelly tries some of the candy.

He thinks that word of mouth is important.

They make a video to post online.

Andy says that having Nelly put the video out to all of his followers is going to be incredible for them.

Andy gives the keys to Todd.

They begin remodeling the restaurant.

Todd wants to restore the restaurant to its former glory.

Todd brings in Bryan Brown to help bring the restaurant back to life.

When they pulled out the countertops, they find that the wood is rotten.

Bryan says they have a lot of work to do.

Todd thinks that he might have bit off more than he could chew.

On closer inspection the counters don’t have wood rot, it’s just layers of dirt.

Andy and Sherri see their new restaurant.

Sherri says that everything they have done is beautiful.

Andy says that they are blown away by the changes that they have made.

Todd got Timmy a brand-new automatic slicer.

He has also had their website updated.

Todd wants to order chocolate for all of his employees, worth a total of $25,000.

Andy says that he thinks what Todd has done for them is going to make them come out of this better than ever.

What Happened Next at Crown Candy Kitchen?

Crown Candy Kitchen is open.

Reviews are very positive.

The BLT and milkshakes are highly praised in the reviews.

Andy has described Todd as his guardian angel.

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